Todiano Prosciutti
Via di Preci, 1
06047 Preci (PG)
Tel. 0743.938093 – Fax 0743.938030
P. IVA 05336451009
C.C. € 2.002.000 i.v.
Reg. Imprese RM: 289499
C.F. 01344550544
R.E.A. Roma: 87 6197
N° Mecc. Import-Export RM 036231
e-mail: info@todianoprosciutti.it
Pec todianoprosciutti@pec.it
The line of traditional cured meats is distributed under the Cannelli Norcia brand, initially only at a regional level and now sold throughout Italy.
TheDolce Norcineria brand is dedicated to a line of specialities, including products flavoured with truffle, wild boar, wine, etc.
Weekly productions: cold cuts 12,5 ton. and fresh meat 6,5 ton. 2020 sales approximately 4,3 million euros.
Brand: Cannelli Norcia – Dolce Norcineria
Revenue 2024: 5 mil. di euro